When a big-time gambler like Oscar Slade ends up dead (and therefore unable to pay off his racetrack debts), a big-time dealer in Thoroughbred flesh like James O'Hanlon (Peter O'Toole) gets suspicious. And when O'Hanlon gets suspicious, the first name that comes to his mind is Lydeker—a family known not only for its lemon trees, but also for its distressingly beautiful female scions. O'Hanlon trembles to think of what he might do if he were to get within striking distance of that kind of horse flesh. Oh yes, he knows a thing or two about breeding, he does … Luckily for Rebecca Lydeker (Naomi Watts), Laura's older sister, she developed an expertise in keeping herself hidden, at the girls' boarding academy she attended not so long ago: Stay real quiet-like … and very still … Don't even breathe. (Is that the rustle of a skirt, or just the Santa Ana winds?) And once the prefect is gone, a girl is free to resume her nocturnal mischief without inte...
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